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The 5 Elements of life and happiness....

Renowned Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung was the founder of many interesting psychological theories. Jungs ideas are widely shared and indeed revered across the globe.

As well as establishing the school of analytical psychology, he was also responsible for proposing the now accepted extroverted and introverted personality types and the collective unconscious.

His work on life and happiness is particularly of relevance

as a new generation is growing up to believe they have more of a right to a happy life with whatever that entails. But what exactly does make a a happy life?... Here are what Jung believes are the 5 elements of life and happiness.

Good Mental Health." I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become." C Jung

He believed that we can control our mental state with the help of our physical bodies and was a great advocate of exercising to free the mind and release those powerful endorphins.

Better Relationships. " For two personalities to meet is like mixing two chemical substances; if there is any combination at all, both are transformed" C Jung

Spending time with people that make us happy leads to a happier life.

Appreciate beauty around you. "Your visions will become clear only when you can loo into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes". C Jung

We hear a lot these days about 'living in the moment' but this is exactly what Jung meant, taking stock of what is around you and stopping for a second to fully appreciate it.

Good living and good work standards. "as far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being". C Jung

We spend much of our day at work so being happy is important. living to work and working to live are two very different things.

Taking pride in what you do will lead to greater happiness in and out of work.

Believing in something. " I find that all my thoughts circle around God like the planets around the sun, and are as irresistibly attracted to Him. I would feel it to be the grossest sin if I were to oppose this resistance to this force." C Jung

We are not necessarily talking about hard and fast religious beliefs here, but simply in something has been shown to point to a happier life. Thinking that there is 'something bigger out there" gives some sort of meaning to our lives, give us purpose. It provides us with the idea that there is something after death, another chance to correct what we did wrong in this life, our chance to come back maybe.

Although these 5 elements of life and happiness by Jung are pretty clear and straightforward, Jung himself, always aware that we are individuals, said:

"All factors which are generally assumed to make for happiness can, under certain circumstances, produce the contrary. No matter how ideal your situation may be, it does not necessarily guarantee happiness.

Treating others as you'd wish to be treated yourself, acting with kindness, forgiving quickly, not holding a grudge and not coveting other peoples stuff are to me, ways of achieving a life of happiness.

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